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Store's Hours

Open 1pm to 4pm
Close on Tuesday

Please contact us before coming, make sure that the store is open.

Tel: (514)276-8714
Text: (514)405-5377


Home Decor
Blind (Roll-up)
Blind (With design)
Curtain - Bamboo
Curtain - Wooden
Lamp - Japanese
Lamp - Oriental
Room Divider
Vase & Pot
Wooden Stand

Wall Decor
Picture - Geisha
Picture - Oil Painting
Picture - Oriental
Poster - Bruce Lee
Poster - Other
Scroll - Calligraphy
Scroll - Painting
Wall Hanging Fan
Woodcraft (Intarsia)

Art & Craft
Cloisonne Product
Doll - Geisha
Doll - Oriental
Egyptian Product
Feng Shui Product
Incense & Oil Burner
Jewelry Box & Stand
Piggy Bank
Russian Nesting Doll
Statue - Buddha
Statue - Dragon
Statue - Elephant
Statue - Frog
Statue - Oriental
Zen Garden

Dishes & Acc.
Bottle Cover
Cushion Cover
Placemat Set
Sake Set
Sushi Set
Tissue Box Cover

Clothing & Acc.
Bag - Glasses
Bag - Handbag
Bag - Purse
Chinese Shoes
Dance Shoes

Blooming Tea

Health Product
Chinese Medicine
Health Balls
Massage Product

Car Seat Mat
Fan - Small
Oriental Sword
Toy & Game
Umbrella (Decorative)

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Payment Information

We gladly accept the following payment methods:
  • Debit/Credit cards & eCheck through paypal
  • Visa and MasterCard over the phone (Canada Only)
  • Direct credit card payment with 2Checkout
If you pick up your order in store, you can pay cash, debit card (Interac) and credit card (Visa or Mastercard).

Please click here for a step-by-step instruction on how to place an order.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you with. Send us a message.

To pay your order, please enter your order number here:
 (example: 090101-123456789)


Paypal is one of the fast, easy, and secure online payment method. You simply click on the "Buy now" buttom on the product page, and make payments with Paypal, using your credit/debit card, bank account or Paypal balance. Don't need to have a paypal account for your orders!

Our paypal account is sales@oriental-village.com

Please click here on how to use paypal.

Direct Credit Card Payment with 2Checkout

We prefer Paypal. However, for any reasons, if you are not comfortable with Paypal, you can pay directly using credit cards with 2Checkout - one of the largest online secure payment processors.

Currently, only US orders are supported 2Checkout with our shopping cart. So, please use Paypal or call us if you are in Canada.

** 2Checkout.com Inc. is an authorized retailer for Oriental-Village.com.

Please click here on how to pay with 2Checkout.

Credit Cards over the Phone

If you don't want to use Paypal or online payments, you may pay your order using Visa and MasterCard over the phone.

Simply place an order online first, select "Pay by Phone" during checkout. Then, give us a call at +1 (514)276-8714 with your order number.

You may also leave us a voice message or email us with your name, phone number and order number, and we will return your call.

We are sorry that phone payment option is available for Canada buyers only.

Please click here on how to pay over the phone.

Money Order

If you would like to make payments with money orders, simply contact us for further instructions.

We only accept Canadian and International USD money orders issued by banks, postal office, or Western Union.

Please click here for the mailing address.

Interac Email Money Transfer (Canada Only)

If you bank in Canada with BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC, RBC Royal Bank, Scotiabank, or TD Canada Trust, you are able to send money to anyone with an email address directly from your bank account. For more details, please email us or visit http://www.interac.ca.

Our email address is sales@oriental-village.com

Please click here on how to use Email Money Transfer.


 6380 St-Hubert street
 Montreal, Quebec, H2S 2M2, Canada
 Email: sales@oriental-village.com
 Tel: +1 (514) 276-8714
 Copyright © Oriental-Village.com. All rights reserved.