Store's Hours
Open 1pm to 4pm Close on Tuesday
Please contact us before coming, make sure that the store is open.
Tel: (514)276-8714
Text: (514)405-5377
Help - How to Shop Online
Here is the instruction on how to place an order and make a payment. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime (Send Us a Message).
First, please choose the product you would like to order, then click on "BUY NOW" button to add the product in to the cart.
On the shopping cart screen,
in order to calculate the shipping cost, please select the shipping service (if you are in US or oustide Canada), enter your postal code (if you are from Canada).
If you have a voucher, please enter the code at the bottom of the page.
Otherwise, click on "Update Cart" button if you have other items to add into the cart. Or, click on "Place Order" button if you are ready to checkout.
Please verify the total including shipping. If you are agree the amount mentioned, then click on "Confirm" button.
After that, please enter your billing & shipping information.
Then, choose the payment method you wish to pay.
- If you have a paypal account, please click here to continue.
- If you wish to pay by credit cards, but you don't have a paypal account, then please click here for more instruction. (You don't need a paypal account to make a credit card payment.)
- If you don't have a paypal account, but you would like pay from your bank account, then you must sign up an account at first, it's free, then follow the steps here.
- If you wish to pay credit cards with 2Checkout, then please click here. Currently, we only accept USD orders with 2Checkout. Please contact us if you are in Canada.
- If you prefer to pay with money orders, then please click here.
- If you are from Canada and have online banking, then you may pay by Interac Email Money Transfer, please click here for more details.
- If you want to place an order over the phone, please click here for more details.